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Mineral Beneficiation Plant Process Examination

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Beneficiation plant needs regular and irregular partial and full process survey about production process conditions, technical conditions, technical indicators, equipment performance and working conditions, the nature of raw materials, metal loss to the direction and the relevant parameters, the survey is called process examination.

01 Purpose of Process Examination


1. To investigate and understand the current production status and problems of each process, system, cycle, operation, unit or individual machine in the whole plant, so as to analyze and evaluate the object of the examination.

2. To provide a basis for formulating and modifying the current processes, technical conditions and operating procedures through examination and analysis of the current processes in order to obtain better technical and economic indicators in the future production.

3. To provide information for summarizing and modifying the original design as well as for summarizing production experience to further explore new problems.

4. To identify the causes of abnormalities in production and to seek to balance the unbalanced factors in production in order to improve and enhance the technical and economic indicators.

Process examination is a means to identify problems to expose contradictions, on the basis of which measures are taken to improve production, so as to achieve the purpose of improving the technical and economic indicators of mineral processing plants.

02  Classification and Main Content of the Process Examination


1. Classification of the Process Examination

The purpose of the process examination is different, the scope and object of the examination is also different. Process examinations are generally divided into the following three categories.

1. Unit process examination (examination of systems and cycles).

2. Unit examination (single machine, operation examination).

3. Quantity and quality processes (partial, full) examination.

2. Main Content of the Process Examination

The contents of the process examination are roughly as follows:

1. The nature of the raw ore: including the mineral composition, structure, chemical composition, particle size composition, water content, mud content, content and embedding characteristics of useful minerals and vein minerals in the ore, true and false specific gravity of the ore, friction angle, rest angle, grindability and hardness of the raw ore to be separated.

2. To make a systematic investigation of the technical characteristics, technical conditions of each process, operation and unit in production, the quantity (ore volume, yield, water volume, liquid-solid ratio, etc.) and quality (grade, recovery, particle size composition, etc.) of each product in production.

3. Check the working of certain auxiliary equipment and its influence on the sorting process.

4. Calculate and count the total recovery rate of the whole plant, the recovery rate of the necessary operations, the particle size composition of the products concerned, the metal distribution rate, the embedding characteristics, the distribution of useful and vein minerals, and the quality of the outgoing products.

5. Examine the destination of useful minerals and metal loss, as well as the enrichment and accumulation in certain operations and equipment.

6. Through the above examination, analyze and calculate the process and raw data, draw the flow chart of mineral processing number and quality and slurry flow chart, prepare the three analysis (sieve analysis, water analysis, mirror analysis) table, metal balance table, water balance table, draw the particle size characteristic curve of relevant products, grade - recovery curve and grade - loss rate curve of relevant products.

7. Prepare the process flow examination report according to the predetermined requirements.

03 Preparatory Work before the Process Examination


1. Process Examination Plan

Before the examination, the process examination plan should be prepared according to the purpose and requirements of the examination, which should include the depth and breadth of the examination, the manpower, funds, equipment, tools, sample processing sites, laboratory workload, water and power supply to the mine, necessary maintenance, etc.

Each relevant unit (e.g., test lab, laboratory, machine shop, production plant) develops its own implementation plan based on the overall plan. After each plan is formulated, the process examination tasks are issued in the production scheduling meeting.

This time-consuming and extensive work is not only technical but also a well-organized and well-planned work, which requires all participating units and personnel to collaborate and cooperate closely in order to complete the task of process examination well.

2. Sampling Flow Chart

Prepare the sampling flow chart according to the current process, unified numbering for each operation and product in the process: determine the necessary and sufficient number of sampling points and sample types (weight samples, grade samples, particle size samples, specular samples, concentration samples, etc.) according to the needs, and use different symbols to represent different samples marked into the sampling flow chart, while the list should be expressed.



3. Personnel Training

Before the examination, the sampling personnel, sample processing personnel and data processing personnel to clearly divide the work, closely organized, unified technical education, so that each participant in the examination to understand their own work content, methods and problems that may arise.

4. Site Survey

Carefully survey the site before the examination, and transform the sampling points that cannot meet the sampling requirements. After everything is ready, organize all personnel to conduct a field exercise at the site so that problems can be found and solved in time.

04 The Process Examination Report


The process examination report is a summary of the examination work, and the collected information, examination results, calculations and analysis opinions should be prepared systematically. The examination report is a crystallization of labor, so it should be taken seriously when preparing the report.

There is no uniform format for preparing examination reports, and you can prepare your own outline according to the content, depth and breadth of the examination.

An outline for preparing full-process examination reports is prepared for reference.

Generally, the examination report can be divided into the following parts.

1. Preface

Describe the purpose and significance of the process examination, the schedule of the examination work, etc.

2. Introduction to the current production status of the beneficiation plant.

1. Production status (overview) of the mine and beneficiation plant: production history, process evolution, production scale, products and output of the beneficiation plant, etc.

2. Ore properties: the source of ore during the examination period, the proportion of ore and ore properties at different outcrop locations, multi-element analysis, spectral analysis, physical analysis and more recent rock and ore identification results, etc.

3. Current process: Main equipment and main technical indicators (list the production indicators and shift production indicators in the last one or two years), list and compare with the examination results.

3. The preparation work and sampling.

1. Sampling process and sampling point layout diagram.

2. The determination of the minimum weight and sampling weight of each examination sample.

3. Sampling methods, time intervals, number of samples and the total time of the examination.

4. The processing method and process of example.

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(Technican Doing the Determination)

4. Exam the process parameters.

Exam the process parameters obtained from the examination process, technical conditions, technical indicators and their calculation of the results of the examination.

1. In the crushing process, the determination of crusher discharge opening; the determination of ore stacking ratio, friction angle and rest angle; the determination and calculation of crushing ratio, screening efficiency, circulation load and main equipment loading rate; the particle size characteristics and particle size characteristic curve of the product.

2. In the grinding process, the determination of mill filling rate, ball ratio and rotation rate; the determination of ore grindability, hardness and specific gravity; the determination and calculation of classification efficiency, sand return ratio and mill utilization factor; the calculation of main equipment loading rate; the particle size composition and particle size characteristic curve of the product.

3. In the separation process, the determination of the beneficiation operation (gravity separation, amalgamation) conditions, the determination of the amount of various chemicals; operation of the rich ratio, beneficiation ratio, operation recovery rate, flotation time, mixing time calculation; separation of the product (raw ore, concentrate and tailings) of the sieve water analysis results and the calculation of the particle recovery rate.

4. In cyanidation process, determination of chemical conditions and operating conditions, results of analysis of impurity components in solids and liquids, calculation of each operating time and operating recovery rate; calculation of main equipment loading rate.

5. Calculation of the quantity and quality flow of the production process and the results of the calculation of the ore slurry process, etc.

6. Draw the quantity and quality flow chart and slurry flow chart.

5. Analysis of process examination results.

1. Analysis of the current process according to the results of the examination.

2. Analysis of the working condition of the main equipment, process conditions and operating conditions.

3. Analysis of the production technology indicators.

6. Problems and suggestions for improvement.

7. Conclusion

In the conclusion, state the unit of examination, the personnel who participated in the examination and the division of labor, the number of pages, tables, illustrations and attachments of the report.

05To Wrap Up


The above is the introduction of the mineral processing process examination, in order to better grasp the production status of the mineral processing plant, it is recommended to conduct process examination regularly or irregularly. If you need mineral processing equipment, new mineral processing plant or mineral processing plant operation and management, welcome to contact online customer service or message consultation.




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