Tanzania 1200TPD Gold Processing Plant

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01Project Overview
01Project Overview
The Tanzania 1200t/d Gold processing plant is a turn-key processing (EPC+M+O) project contracted by us. The project ore is mainly two kinds of sulfide ore and oxide ore. The grade of oxidized ore is 2.4g/t, and gold is the only valuable mineral that can be recovered. The gold leaching rate of all-slime cyanidation gold extraction process can be 93.75%; the gold content of sulfide ore is 10.7g/t. The gold leaching rate of all-slime cyanidation gold extraction process is 91.58%.
02Our solution
02Our solution
All-slime cyanidation process.
03Project results
03Project results
The gold ore processing plant adopts the all-slime cyanidation process. In the early stage of the project, we made a comprehensive and detailed plan in terms of project management, construction technology, resource supply, and coordination work.
During the construction of the project, we took all measures into consideration, effectively coping with the serious shortage of material supply, construction machinery, accessory equipment, and skilled workers in the project implementation area. Most of the equipment required for this project is a thin-walled tank, but we have successfully solved the deformation problem of non-standard equipment during hoisting and transportation and ensured the construction quality of the project.